Verses taken from King James Version Bible.
The Hallmark of the Christian faith is love. As Paul said, "the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13.
Here are some familiar verses that speak of love. Can you supply the missing word?
1. "Better is a dinner of __________ where love is..." Proverbs 15:17
2. "Many __________ cannot quench love..." Song of Solomon 8:7
3. "...the love of Christ which surpasses __________. " Ephesians 3:19
4. "Speaking the __________ in love..."Ephesians 4:15
5. "God hath not given us the spirit of __________; but... of love."
2 Timothy 1:7
6. "We are more than __________ through him who loved us."
Romans 8:37
7. " __________ no one anything, except to love one another."
Romans 13:8
8. "Put on the __________ of faith and love." 1 Thessalonians 5:8
9. "As many as I love, I __________ and chasten." Revelation 3:19
10. "Love covereth all __________." Proverbs 10:12
Verses taken from King James Version Bible.
Bible Quizzes for Church Newsletters, Frank R. Hoffman. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1992.